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 Describing people

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 1038
Pikët : 27330
Reputacioni : 49
Join date : 17/02/2011
Age : 34
Location : Prizren
Drejtimi : Administrim Biznesi

Describing people Empty
MesazhTitulli: Describing people   Describing people Icon_minitime7th October 2011, 20:40

here are many ways to talk about physical appearance.

My grandfather is quite old. In fact, as he has a pension, he is an old age pensioner, or a senior citizen.
His daughter, my aunt, is 55, and middle-aged. She has three sons. One is a young adult, at 24 years of age, and the other two are both teenagers. They are 16 and 17. My sister also has two children – one toddler who is a two-year old, and a baby who is 6 months old.

People are built in all shapes and sizes. There are those who are fat and overweight. Some people are extremely overweight and are obese. Other people are naturally slim, but others look have absolutely no fat on them and are thin, or skinny.
Personally, I am stockysmall, but well-built. My father is tall and lean – with very little fat. My sister is short, but wiry – she is quite thin, but muscular. Both my brothers are athletic and well-proportioned. My mother looks like a 1940's film star. She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure.
My grandfather is fit for his age and takes plenty of exercise. He doesn't want all his muscles to get flabby.

My sister is an English rose – she has fair hair and fair skin. She doesn't tan easily and has to be careful in the sun. My mother is blonde, also with a fair complexion. I am a red-head – with red hair. Like many other people with a pale complexion, I get freckles from the sun – small brown dots on my face and arms. In contrast, my father has dark-brown hair and he is quite dark-skinned. You are born with a colour – white or Caucasian, black or Asian. People whose parents are of different ethnic origin are mixed-race. Southern Europeans are sometimes described as Mediterranean.

Faces, like build, vary a lot. Some people have oval faces – their foreheads are much wider than their chins. Other people have heart-shaped, square or round faces.
Features also vary. My grandfather has bushy eyebrows (he has lots of hair!), a hooked nose and high cheekbones. His eyes are large and set quite far apart. My mother has a broad nose, which she hates, as she prefers narrow noses. But she is lucky to have even or regular teeth. My sister corrected her crooked teeth by wearing a brace which straightened them. She has rosy cheeks, small ears and a snub nose, which goes up at the end.
I have long, curly hair, though my sister is the opposite, with short, straight hair. Her hair is fine and doesn't weigh very much, but mine is thick and heavy. My mother's hair is wavy – in between straight and curly. It's cut in a bob and she also has a short fringe, where it is cut horizontally across her forehead. My father is losing his hair – in fact he is going bald, which makes him very sad. My brother looks like he is going to lose his hair too – it is receding.
Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë

Numri i postimeve : 1038
Pikët : 27330
Reputacioni : 49
Join date : 17/02/2011
Age : 34
Location : Prizren
Drejtimi : Administrim Biznesi

Describing people Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: Describing people   Describing people Icon_minitime7th October 2011, 20:41

Describing people Heighttall Describing people Heightshort Describing people Heightmedium
He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.
+ He is very tall. He is quite short. He is relatively normal height.
Describing people Up

She is skinny. (negative) Describing people Sad She is fat. (negative) Describing people Sad She is underweight. (negative) Describing people Sad She is overweight. (negative) Describing people Sad She is thin. (negative) Describing people Sad She is plump. (neutral) Describing people Neutral She is slim. (positive) Describing people Happy She is stocky. (neutral) Describing people Neutral She is slender. (positive) Describing people Happy She is bonny. (positive) Describing people Happy^ Describing people Beerbelly !Note - if a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer belly.
Describing people Sizeskinny
Describing people Sizefat
Describing people Up

blonde/fair hair brown hair red hair black hair
grey hair
blonde brunette redhead - -
Describing people Blondehair
Describing people Brownhair
Describing people Redhair
Describing people Blackhair
Describing people Greyhair
Describing people Up

grey eyes green eyes blue eyes brown eyes dark eyes Describing people Black-eye !Note! This is a black eye!
Describing people Eyes
Describing people Eyesgreen
Describing people Eyesblue
Describing people Eyesbrown
Describing people Eyesdark
Describing people Up

Type of hair
She has long hair. She has short hair. He has no hair. = He is bald. She has medium length hair. She has medium length hair. She has short hair. + She has long, black hair. She has short, black hair. - She has medium length , blonde hair. She has medium length, red hair. She has short, blonde hair. ++ She has long, straight, black hair. She has short, straight, black hair. - She has medium length, straight, blonde hair. She has medium length, wavy, red hair. She has short, curly, blonde hair. orHer hair is long, straight and black. Her hair is short, straight and black. - Her hair is medium length, straight and blonde. Her hair is medium length, wavy and red. Her hair is short, curly and blonde. + She wears glasses.
Describing people Hairlong
Describing people Happily
Describing people Hairbald
Describing people Longblonde
Describing people Hairwavy
Describing people Haircurly
Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë
Describing people
Mbrapsht në krye 
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