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 Present Simple Tense

Shko poshtë 

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Present Simple Tense Empty
MesazhTitulli: Present Simple Tense   Present Simple Tense Icon_minitime7th October 2011, 20:29

Present Simple Tense Keijiban_s Present Simple Tense

English Grammar >>> Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense Sfa2_b00StructurePresent Simple Tense Sfa2_b00ExamplesPresent Simple Tense Sfa2_b00We use the Present Simple Tense:
Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 To form the Present Simple Tense we use the verb's base form (go, work, speak, study). In 3rd person singular (he, she, it), the base form of the verb takes -s/es. (Auxiliary verbs "be," "do," "have", which can also be used as main verbs, are exceptions.)

Present Simple Tense Sp_b0000 Affirmative form

you work

he/she/it works /-s/

go - goes /-es/
watch - watches /-es/
play - plays /-s/
study - studies /-es/

! Remember:

to be
I/you/we/they are
he/she/it is

to do
I/you/we/they do
he/she/it does

to have
I/you/we/they have
he/she/it has

Present Simple Tense Sp_r0000 Negative form

you DO NOT /don't/

he/she/it DOES NOT
/doesn't / WORK

1. She doesn't often go to the cinema.
2. I don't get up early at the weekend.
3. They don't speak English very well.

Present Simple Tense Sp_b0000 Interrogative form

DO you WORK?

DOES he/she/it WORK?

1. Do they speak foreign languages?
2. Do you want a banana?
3. Does your sister play the piano?

Present Simple Tense Sp_r0000 Questions and short answers:

Do you like spaghetti?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

Does she know Bulgarian?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't.
1. Philip gets up at 6 o'clock every morning.
2. I go to school every day.
3. She sometimes goes out on Friday night.
4. I usually sleep late on Sunday morning.
5. Peter works for 8 hours every day.
6. We usually start work at 8 o'clock.
7. My children often watch TV in the afternoon.
8. He always forgets his keys.
Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 when we talk about things that happen repeatedly or habitually

Present Simple Tense Sfa_v000 With Present Simple Tense we often use time expressions such as always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, on Saturdays, rarely, never, every day, etc.
1. I work in a bank.
2. Kate speaks English very well.
3. Tom lives in London.
Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 when we talk about permanent or long-lasting situations
1. People make choices because they can't have everything they want.
2. Nurses work in clinics and hospitals.
3. Football is a very popular sport in Bulgaria.
Present Simple Tense Mini_b00 when we talk about people or things in general
1. The Earth is spherical.
2. My birthday is in May.
3. California is in the Unated States.
4. The sun rises in the east.
5. Water freezes at 0°C (32°F).
Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 to indicate general truths, facts and scientific laws
1. We arrive in Rome at 6 p.m.
2. The train leaves in five minutes.
3. The course starts next Thursday.
Present Simple Tense Mini_b00 when we talk about travel plans and timetables (mainly with verbs such as go, leave, arrive, start, come, return etc.)
1. She loves jazz music.
2. My aunt hates travelling by train.
3. I like ice cream. I don't like spinach.
4. I think she is a wonderful person.
5. Do you believe in God?
6. I have no money at the moment.
7. My brother has a new car.
8. That bicycle belongs to me.
Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 with state (or stative) verbs such as like, dislike, love, think, seem, look, know, feel, understand, want, need, hate, remember, forget, prefer, believe, mean, taste, hear, see, have (when the meaning is "possess"), own, belong, etc. These verbs are not normally used in the Continuous Tense (but there are exceptions).
1. Pour all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth.
2. Walk down the street to the corner and then turn right.
Present Simple Tense Mini_b00 to give instructions/directions
Present Simple Tense Sfa2_b00 The Present Simple Tense is also used in :

Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 sentences after "when", "after", "while", "till" / "until", "before", "as soon as" - When the rain stops, we'll go out.
I'll call you back as soon as I return home.

Present Simple Tense Mini_b00 zero conditional sentences (when the result of the condition is always true) - If you heat water to 100°C (212°F), it boils.

Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 first conditional sentences (Often
called the "real" conditional because it is used for real (or possible)
situations. These situations take place if a certain condition is met.)
- If you finish your homework I'll bring you to the zoo.
Present Simple Tense Sfa2_b00 Notes about formation of the 3rd person singular (he, she, it):

Present Simple Tense Mini_r00 If the verb ends in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o, add -es to the base form:
kiss - kisses, finish - finishes, watch - watches, mix - mixes, go - goes

Present Simple Tense Mini_b00 If the verb ends in consonant + y change y to i and add -es:
study - studies, copy - copies, try - tries, carry - carries
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Present Simple Tense
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